Compressor unit for SF6 measuring devices
For increase of pressure level
The test pressure for gas analysis in medium voltage switchgear is often too low. For this reason the compressor unit is needed to compress the gas to be measured so that there is sufficient pressure for the gas measuring devices connected downstream from the compressor unit.
As the device is leak-tested there are no SF6 emissions. The oilfree compression avoids the SF6 test gas from being contaminated with oil mist. Any contamination of the measuring gas e. g. caused by traces of moisture can therefore be excluded. The small compressor is almost maintenance-free and easy to handle.

The diaphragm compressor is connected between the medium voltage breaker and the measuring device by means of the corresponding connecting hose.
Other features:
- Suitable for all DILO SF6 measuring devices
- Oilfree DILO compressor
- Gas-tight and emission-free
- Simple operationLow maintenance