Gas cylinder for new SF6 gas (<250 PPMV SO2 without filling)
New SF6 gas, reconditioned SF6 gas as well as used SF6 with a SO2 content of < 250 ppmv
Manufactured according to technical regulations for compressed gases with TÜV certificate.
Gas cylinder labelling in accordance with DIN EN 1089-3
Important note
The use of new gas cylinders (green marked with green label) is admissible for
- new SF6 gas
- reconditioned SF6 gas
- as well as used SF6 with a SO2 content of < 250 ppmV
Attention: If the gas quality cannot be defined or the gas contains decomposition products ( ≥ 250 ppmv SO2) use cylinders (yellow marked and hazard label 2.3 +8) for road transport.
Repeated inspection:
The user of the gas cylinders is responsible to carry out the repeated inspections on pressure vessels for transportation of gases with the 2A classification code in accordance with ADR every 10 years. Please observe local rules and regulations.
DILO will be pleased to support you with the inspection in accordance with ADR.

Gas cylinders for used gas
Used SF6 gas with a SO2 content of ≥ 250 ppmv
Manufactured according to technical regulations for compressed gases with TÜV certificate.
Gas cylinder labelling in accordance with DIN EN 1089-3
Important note
The SF6 gas is to be stored in reuse cylinders (yellow marked and hazard label 2.3 + 8 in accordance with ADR) if:
- it contains SO2 ≥ 250 ppmV
- the SF6 gas quality is undefined
Repeated inspection:
The user of the cylinders is responsible to carry out the repeated inspections on pressure vessels for transportation of gases with the 2T and 2TC classification code in accordance with ADR every 5 years. Please observe local rules and regulations.
DILO will be pleased to support you with the inspection in accordance with ADR.