After the flood in Babenhausen: The current situation at DILO

After the flooding in Babenhausen: The current situation at DILO - A strong team in challenging times

It's time to share with you the latest developments at DILO, especially after last week's dramatic events.

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, Babenhausen, including our factory premises, was hit by the torrential masses of water of the river Günz. Due to the flash floods a state of emergency was declared in the district of Unterallgäu. This natural disaster forced us to stop production abruptly. But as soon as the water had receded, our team showed remarkable solidarity and energy by immediately starting with cleaning-up and repair work.


A quick comeback
Thanks to the exceptional commitment of our DILO team and the active support of numerous helpers, we were able to react quickly. Fortunately, our IT systems have been spared from the floods and are now fully restored. Extensive tests confirmed that neither data nor systems were damaged.

The machines are running again! Only a few days ago, our site was covered by a thick layer of mud, but since Monday, June 10, many of our production lines have been back in operation. We are doing our utmost in order to get back to normal production as quickly as possible.


Challenges in logistics
Although we have already made great progress, there are still some logistical challenges. Our warehouse stocks are currently being thoroughly inspected and cleaned to ensure that no parts or equipment damaged by the flooding are overlooked. Replacements for damaged/unusable components have already been ordered from our suppliers. Devices that were ready for delivery are also carefully inspected. Deliveries to our customers will be made again as from today.

Our measuring devices production as well as the production departments for valves, couplings and high pressure parts have resumed work and operations are going strong. The final assembly line for service carts will start next Monday, as parts of upstream processes that are currently being produced are still missing. 


Readjustment of production
In the next few weeks, we will send updated order confirmations based on the new production plans. It will take about 1 to 3 weeks before we can receive feedback from our suppliers and adjust production schedules accordingly. Our goal is to keep the impact on our customers as low as possible and to ensure the usual high level of DILO quality and reliability.


Purchase orders and deliveries
We are pleased to inform you that our administrative departments are once again fully available for you and are processing enquiries and purchase orders. Please note, however, that we currently expect slightly longer delivery times.


Gratitude and optimism
Special thanks go to all who have supported and continue to support us during these challenging times – our dedicated team, the countless helpers on site and, of course, you, our valued customers! Your patience, understanding and encouraging words have helped us get back on our feet quickly.

Despite the challenges still to come in the forthcoming months, we are doing our utmost in order to keep the impact of the flooding as low as possible. Sometimes some patience will be required, but we are confident that we will find solutions together. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We will continue to keep you informed of all developments.

Thank you for your continuous trust, confidence, support and patience.