Visit from Ms. Stephanie Schuhknecht, Member of the State Parliament (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

Last Wednesday, we had the honour of welcoming Ms. Stephanie Schuhknecht, Member of the State Parliament and Chairwoman of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Regional Development, Energy, Media and Digitalisation, and her office manager Ms. Sandra Neubauer (Deputy District Administrator in the Unterallgäu district and member of the Babenhausen Market Council).

Ms. Schuhknecht was particularly interested in the damage caused by the flooding that hit DILO and wanted to know how we as a company were dealing with the challenges and what support we had received so far.

In an open and productive discourse, we talked about important topics such as reducing bureaucracy, digitalisation, the energy transition and a targeted immigration policy. These discussions are crucial for our future and the development of our region.

We are grateful for the visit and the opportunity to share our perspectives directly in exchange of expertise with politicians.